Posted on Aug 20, 2018
Jim Guy gave the opening words.
Harry Wolhandler gave the hat story about how his experience as a young entrepreneur prepared him for his business career better than business school.
  1. Brantwood camp meeting on Monday August 13th.  No meeting on Tuesday August 14th.
  2. District Golf Tournament August 18 in Keene.
  3. The club has matched the $250 for presentation to Brantwood on Monday.  Total donation will be >$500.00.
Mark Fernald, a lawyer who practices in Peterborough and resident of Sharon, talked about the reliance of NH on property tax for the primary source of state income.  NH has the  second highest per capita property tax in the US. Payment of real estate taxes is more likely to be a burden for seniors and others on a fixed income.   As a result, people are losing their homes that they have owned for years because they cannot afford to pay rising real estate taxes.  Funding for education, mental health services, opioid treatment, infrastructure maintenance, environmental protection and other critical state provided services are being reduced as tax cuts are being enacted and revenue is declining.  According to Mr. Fernald, these cuts contribute to the aging of the NH population, because the state makes it unattractive for young people  to stay or move to NH as state services are curtailed.  Lively discussion proceeded.
Remember no meeting tomorrow morning (August 14th).
For the meeting on August 21st:
Opening words:  Jim Fearnside
Hat story:           Tom Blodgett
Speaker: Roy Schlieben:  Fundraising & Communications Consultant. Topic: ‘Fundraising ins & outs with Not for Profits’
See you next week!