Posted on Feb 09, 2019
The Club was called to order at 7:45 
After the Pledge and National Anthem Bob Vecchiotti read the Six Criteria of Emotional Maturity
We had two guests Jay Schecter and Tom Andrew our speaker
Vance gave an update of the FACTS program with a sample portfolio. There were several volunteers to join the program
Sign up sheets were passed out to fill openings in March and April for opening words, hat story, and guest speakers
It was announced that for the next club assembly (Feb 12th) the club will discuss the pros and cons in whatever order was decided then vote after our current fundraising proposal was presented. 
Our speaker Tom Andrew, M.D. was introduced by Bob Meissner. Dr. Andrew is a forensic pathologist and the current NH State Director of Forensic Pathology. A few highlights from his presentation include:
  • NH is in the top ten states for opioid deaths
  • 3.5 times as many people die from drugs than traffic deaths
  • The leading opioid drug is fentanyl
  • Treatments are available if the misuse is caught in time
  • Narcan is often successful is reviving overdoses.
  • A major turning point in his approach was the recognition of the spiritual side
  • Heart checks and spiritual well being efforts are growing in preventing drug misuse
  • Support for church initiatives, a faith dialog, use of intergenerational mentors, scouting can begin early prevention.
On February 12 Dale has the opening words, and there is no hat story