Dublin Rotary Park

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Dublin Rotary Park picnicIn 1978 Samuel Tamposi donated 40 acres of land to the town of Dublin, NH to create a recreation area for the citizens of Dublin and the surrounding region. In 2008 members of the Monadnock Rotary Club embarked on a project to make the property along Howe Reservoir more accessible to the public. In partnership with members of the Dublin Conservation Commission and other residents of Dublin, the Monadnock Rotary Club cleared trails and created picnic areas and canoe and kayak launch sites.

Dublin Rotary Park opened to the public in 2011 and the club continues to improve the park with ongoing projects.

The park showcases a variety of New Hampshire natural habitats including streams, marshes, lakefront, meadows, and forest land. It is home to many species of birds, butterflies and animals. The objective of the park is to preserve the existing natural setting and enhance some areas for the pleasure of the animals and local residents. We hope you visit!

Dublin Rotary Park inaugurationLinks for More Information