
The Grand Monadnock Rotary club welcomes new members. We're a highly engaged club, with local and international projects and youth exchanges. We invite you to attend a meeting as our guest to get a feel for the club and learn more about us - contact the club president for a link to the next zoom meeting.


By participating in local and international service projects, club members can volunteer their time and talents where they’re most needed. Members in good standing are asked to participate in a minimum of two service projects. 


Attending weekly club meetings allows members to enjoy fellowship, enrich our professional and personal knowledge, and meet other business leaders in our community and region. 

Members in good standing are expected to attend at least 60% of the regular meetings, with at least 30% of their meetings at the Grand Monadnock Rotary Club. We ask that you not miss more than three consecutive meetings and stay for the full meeting. If a club member must leave early, it's tradition to donate $1 as a "scooter fee."

Members who miss a weekly meeting are encouraged to expand their Rotary horizons by attending a meeting of any other Rotary club in the world.  

Dues and Fees

Grand Monadnock Rotary Club annual membership dues are $550.